“when the human being, with all its capacities - intelligence, creativity, imagination, sensitivity and pragmatism to name but a few - freed from the tyranny of fear and doubt, expresses itself in the workplace, then extraordinary results accrue.”
Miles Downey
corporate coaching
Rightly or wrongly, we often define our value through work. No wonder that the corporate environment has so much impact on the way we see ourselves, affecting our general wellbeing. Coaching provides a space where you can define your ambition, identify internal and external barriers to reach your goals, discover options available to you to help formulate a specific and detailed plan.
Working with me
As a coach, I will hold a mirror up to you so you can reflect on your self-imposed limitations while taking into account the reality of your situation. I will support you by posing all kinds of questions so that you can define and formulate unambiguous, clear and achievable goals. I will bring your attention to past experiences to identify success and failure patterns to understand the dynamic at play in your current situation. Together we will aim to reduce the constant internal noise that hinders your capacity to listen to your inner strength, wisdom and knowledge. From that, you will identify the options available to you, and develop your new and unique way forward via detailed actions within an agreed timeframe.
start YOUR self discovery journey
Discovery Call - Free
90 minutes sessions - £250